May 16–Jun 15, 2017

Rental Housing

Forgotten Segment of Czech Architecture - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Betlémské náměstí 5a, Prag 110 00 Map
Tue–Sun 11 am–7 pm

In the past approximately 150 years, housing was created on principle for private ownership, for rental, or as a cooperative. In our country, the importance of rentable housing began to decline sharply after 1989, in particular due to the privatisation of flats. Today, rentable housing is again beginning to rise in importance. Indeed, the most advanced European countries have a balanced ratio between owned and rented housing. What is the basis of the quality of rentable housing and what are the current trends towards its perception and construction? The exhibition presents an excursion into our relatively young history of rentable housing, its forms, as well as the phenomena of the times. European progress and the best examples of implementations, as well as various scale designs of residential implementations are confronted.