Looking in, looking out.

Diego Arraigada

For his intervention at LIGA, Argentine architect Diego Arraigada takes one of the most characteristic features of the gallery as a starting point: the two horizontal apertures that connect it with its urban surroundings. Using a plain metal structure that connects the inner edges of both windows, the architect sets up a spatial short-circuit that renders superfluous the glass separating the exhibition space from the city itself. As if it were an ingenious Escher-like construction, the façade of the building folds in on itself and projects our gaze back out into the street.

Depending on the point of view, the ambiguous contraption hung between the two masonry walls can function at once as a tunnel or a bridge, as a space or as an object: a Moebius strip that confuses the interior with the exterior. In this way, with the use of a restrained, direct work of architecture that emerges from these specific conditions, Arraigada perforates the building and calls into question one of the basic premises of architecture: the definition of an inside and an outside.