Home, Hood, Hill

Final Projects: Group XLV
835 N. Kings Road, Los Angeles CA 90069
Mi–So 11.00–18.00 Uhr

An exhibition by the 45th group of MAK Center Artists and Architects-in-Residence.

Mexico City-based architectural collective WASA (Guillermo Acosta, Alejandra Avalos and Alan Rios) reflects on new ways of understanding and creating private space: specifically, home. While in residence at the Mackey Apartments, the team has hosted a series of events, thinking of “home” as a state of mind: [sort of] OPEN HOUSE – Living spaces through social media was an exploration of the impacts social media has on the physical spaces one inhabits; architecture for HOMIES was a showcase of domestic research via a series of drawings and models. For their final installation in the Mackey Courtyard, The Machine is Broken!, “home” is framed as an inherent part of one’s sense of oneself. Paris-based artist Baptist Penetticobra presents Signs and Signals, hinting at Los Angeles’s relationship to fiction and compiling manifestations of the film industry’s omnipresence throughout the built environment. A series of photographs mounted in the Mackey Garage Top describes the tangible banality of the shooting locations from various films and television shows found everywhere in L.A. Even more mundane points of view and “on-going scenes” are introduced through additional photography alongside the artist’s take on the commercial signage that saturates public space. Vienna-based artist Flora Hauser’s practice spans writing and drawing, finding itself both of and in between each discipline. Themes of repetition and surface intertwine on her large-scale canvases, presented in the Mackey Garage Top, to create a unique language alluding to codes and topographies.

This exhibition was made possible by the Austrian Federal Chancellery.