Exhibitions in Berlin

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Aedes Architekturforum
Stuttgart Main Station
A Once-in-a-Century Project Becomes Reality
Jul 20–Aug 28, 2024
Felleshus der Nordischen Botschaften Berlin
Happy Together
Living differently in Denmark
Jul 16–Oct 6, 2024
Architektur Galerie Berlin
Jul 5–Aug 17, 2024
Werkbund Galerie Berlin
Atlas des Gemeinsamen
Jun 21–Jul 29, 2024
Spreepark Art Space
A Matter of Material
On urban ruins and natural resources
Jun 8–Aug 4, 2024
Tchoban Foundation – Museum for Architectural Drawing Berlin
Lina Bo Bardi
Poetry of concrete
Jun 1–Sep 22, 2024
Werkbundarchiv – Museum der Dinge Berlin
Or the state of the City
May 23, 2024–Feb 28, 2025
Humboldt Forum
Blown Away
The Palace of the Republic
May 17, 2024–Feb 16, 2025
Akademie der Künste – Standort Pariser Platz
Poetry of time. Michael Ruetz
Timescapes 1966–2023
May 9–Aug 4, 2024
Kulturforum Berlin
The Allure of Rome
Maarten van Heemskerck Draws the City
Apr 26–Aug 4, 2024
Berlinische Galerie
Closer to Nature
Building with Fungi, Trees, Mud
Feb 16–Oct 14, 2024
Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung, Bauen und Wohnen Berlin
New creation in the monument
Permanent exhibition
Bezirksmuseum Marzahn-Hellersdorf Berlin
The joy of building was twofold
The architect Wolf R. Eisentraut
Dec 4, 2023–Nov 3, 2024
Friedrichswerdersche Kirche Berlin
Focus on Schinkel
A Look at His Life and Work
Permanent exhibition
Unité d’habitation – Le Corbusier Berlin
Le Corbusier: Unité d'habitation
Typ Berlin
Permanent exhibition
Berlinische Galerie
Architecture in the collection "Art in Berlin 1880-1980"
Fehling + Gogel. Movement in Space
Permanent exhibition
Senatsverwaltung für Mobilität, Verkehr, Klimaschutz und Umwelt Berlin
City Models of Berlin
Urban Development - Plans, Models, Projects
Permanent exhibition