Dec 7, 2013–Jan 11, 2014

Valletta, Renaissance to Renzo Piano

Reasonable Dreams
11 Rue des Blancs Manteaux, 75004 Paris
Tue–Sat 11 am-7 pm

A thread between reality and fiction, utopian pasts and possible futures, theories and realisations: Architecture Project (AP) presents a curated exploration of Valletta’s rich architectural spirit. Reasonable Dreams represents the identification of an architectural firm with the visions and inspirations that fed the most influential architectural projects in Valletta, Capital of Malta. Conceived by Architecture Project (AP), the exhibition is a thoughtful journey through the city’s transformation, linking past and future seamlessly around three main axes: historical dreams, realised dreams, and the fragmentation of time-space through artistic dreams. Empathy with the origins of planned and realised capital projects is at the base of this interpretation of the evolution of Valletta from its Renaissance beginnings to its current revival through projects such as the on-going City Gate project by Renzo Piano Building Workshop, or the Barrakka Lift by AP.