Jun 22–Jul 15, 2016

Best of the Best

Scotland’s Award winning Buildings, Places and Communities
11 Mitchell Lane, Glasgow G1 3NU
Mon–Sat 10:30 am–5 pm, Sun 12 am–5 pm

This touring exhibition celebrates the Best of the Best of Scotland’s buildings, places and communities. As part of 2016 Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design and Festival of Architecture, Best of the Best collects and showcases approximately 130 award-winning projects from the past five years.

What do you think? Are these the best of the best? Explore, compare and discuss the projects presented and try one of the fun activity cards. There are also sample materials carefully selected from the A&DS Material Considerations: A Library of Sustainable Building Materials to reflect the materials used in the projects displayed in the exhibition. The buildings, places and communities on show are drawn from a range of awards promoted by key national organisations including: The Scottish Civic Trust, The Scottish Ecological Design Association, The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland, The Saltire Society, the SURF awards, The Landscape Institute Scotland place making competition and the Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning. The exhibition is sponsored by the Forestry Commission Scotland. The exhibition will start at The Lighthouse in Glasgow, before heading on a tour until November 2016. We will update the touring venues on the website so keep checking back for a location near you…