Mar 19–May 15, 2022

Good Vibrations

The university as an urban campus – examples from Austria
Christinenstrasse 18-19, 10119 Berlin
Tue-Fri 11 am–6:30 pm, Sun-Mon 1–5 pm

Universities and their buildings unite space, science, education and social life. Based on this content-related and spatial concept, the new type of “university as an urban campus” connects university locations with public spaces and creates interactions with the neighbourhood. The exhibition of the Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft (BIG) – one of the biggest real estate owners in Austria – shows how good vibrations emerge from architectural discourse and urban planning by means of nine realised conversions and new buildings. The examples designed by national and international architects in Vienna, Graz and Linz prove that campus and city are no longer separated from each other, but are instead entangled for their mutual benefit. Plans, photos and videos are presented, as well as a collage of models from all nine projects as a central installation.