Apr 16–May 31, 2024

Trutz von Stuckrad Penner

Sguardi Periferici: Peripheral glances
Mommsenstrasse 64, 10629 Berlin
Mon, Wed, Thu 10 am–3 pm

The encounter with the Roman periphery, which today forms the core of the mythical Campagna Romana, metaphorically shows us the disparity of our living spaces. It raises questions about the foundations of our image ideas with which we are able to perceive our contemporary urban landscapes.

Starting from a search for the lasting values of the Roman suburban settlements of the post-war period, the INA CASA housing construction program that emerged in the context of neorealism, a broad cultural horizon opens up from past and present conditions reflected in images and texts.

Peripheral vision with its unfocused gaze expands our perception, as the edges are given the same attention as the center. The exhibition brings together collected and prepared material as a conceptually open constellation and creates an imaginary map of the Roman hinterland. Landscape, architecture, painting, cinema, literature and photography meet here.